Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Drawings for building permit done

The drawings have been submitted...building permit pending.

It's hard to believe all the work that has gone in to just getting to the point where we can apply for a permit. Granted, the work was mostly done by Dave, our builder, but it was still a painful process. The final change made was to increase the size of the foundation so that we will be able to use a natural stone facing on the lower level exterior wall instead of stucco. We're not sure we can actually afford to go this route at this point, but if it turns out we can how frustrating would it be to not have the foundation be able to support it!

We went out to the lot on the weekend. The trees have been cleared along the path that will eventually be our driveway, which was exciting to see. We're also starting to see where our front lawn/septic field will be. There's now a bunch of 4 foot long logs that need to be cut and split for firewood - any volunteers?

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