Thursday, June 10, 2010

Live and Learn

This has been a difficult week.

We learned that the sink we chose for our kitchen has been discontinued and there is no other similar sink available. Given the fact that the sink hadn't been ordered when we chose it, we made the assumption that nothing else had been ordered either. So we went ahead and started looking at other tub options, only to discover that the tub had not only been ordered, but was actually sitting in the house!! With a 25% restocking fee on the tub, we're going to live with it. Incredibly frustrating. And the end results is a kitchen sink that we don't really want AND a tub that we don't really want.

Live and learn I and learn (sigh).

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A month later....

It's been a month since my last post and I wish I could point out all the changes that have happened, but the truth is that most of them are subtle and ultimately, boring.

We have wire, lots and lots of wire. We have central vacuum pipes running everywhere. We have had them take down one wall and move another. We have discussed, debated and eventually accepted our fate with regards to ceiling height at the bottom of the stairs. See? I told you nothing really interesting has happened.

In any case, here are the most recent photos. Windows in, stone veneer started, and first bit of wood siding up.