Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The countdown begins

So it's a week tomorrow that we are moving to the new house. This seems to have come about far too quickly. The past year has been consumed with decision making, running around and generally fretting about the house and the end is now, most definitely, in sight.

I don't want to fool you though. We are moving in a week, but the house is quite a ways from being complete. Currently the "deficiencies" include the lack of a counter on the vanity in the ensuite, the lack of taps in any of the bathrooms, the absence of a backsplash in the kitchen, the non-working lights in the kids' rooms, incomplete painting and there is no railing on the deck off the living room. It would certainly have been nice to be moving into a finished house, but I have learned that when you are building a custom home that is certainly a pipe dream. All I hope for now is to not have to make any of the guys breakfast next week!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Kitchen Wonder

As the end of this process nears, things are really starting to come together. I suppose this is what is supposed to happen, but it's still really quite amazing to see all the ideas we formed on paper and in our minds coming to fruition. While I don't think I would ever recommend this process to anyone, much of the pain is forgotten as we're starting to see the final product.

The kitchen is my favorite example of this. I'm really happy with how it turned out!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The ground around us

I know, I know. No postings lately and there has been significant progress. We're moving in 2 weeks!

We have chosen a landscaper, but what we can afford at this point is some topsoil and grass seed. We're going to prepare the base for the walkway this fall, and install the walkway in the spring. The thought there is that the ground and house need to settle over the winter before we spend money on any hardscaping. Justifiable cost diversion at work.

The bulldozer has been on site now for 3 days and there's been a bunch of dirt being pushed around. The side benefit of this has been the disappearance (at least for now) of the weeds. Very exciting!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

As time goes by

My realization of recent days is that blogging isn't my thing. In fact, this whole process is reminiscent of my teenage attempts to keep a diary - I never thought I had anything significant enough to write down which would result in defacing the beautiful book I'd purchased as my diary.

In any case, Andrew pointed out that it's been a while since I've posted an update. It has been an eventful last while on the house-building front.

We had a meeting with Dave, who broke the news that we already knew...that we are WAY behind on the construction schedule. I became a hard-ass and the outcome was a revised schedule with best case Sept 1st and worst case Sept 14th completion dates. In order to meet this deadline the guys are now working in overdrive.

We have slate in the laundry-room and foyer, hardwood in the lower level, priming the walls throughout and wood trim on the lower level. The siding is almost all done, the columns are all covered in stone and we have stone on the fireplace. It was really exciting to go there this weekend.

The Fireplace

Closet in the lower level

Door headers

The final exterior colours - Green, Grey & natural cedar

The Front

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Live and Learn

This has been a difficult week.

We learned that the sink we chose for our kitchen has been discontinued and there is no other similar sink available. Given the fact that the sink hadn't been ordered when we chose it, we made the assumption that nothing else had been ordered either. So we went ahead and started looking at other tub options, only to discover that the tub had not only been ordered, but was actually sitting in the house!! With a 25% restocking fee on the tub, we're going to live with it. Incredibly frustrating. And the end results is a kitchen sink that we don't really want AND a tub that we don't really want.

Live and learn I and learn (sigh).

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A month later....

It's been a month since my last post and I wish I could point out all the changes that have happened, but the truth is that most of them are subtle and ultimately, boring.

We have wire, lots and lots of wire. We have central vacuum pipes running everywhere. We have had them take down one wall and move another. We have discussed, debated and eventually accepted our fate with regards to ceiling height at the bottom of the stairs. See? I told you nothing really interesting has happened.

In any case, here are the most recent photos. Windows in, stone veneer started, and first bit of wood siding up.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The battle with Bell

This isn't really my battle, it's definitely been Andrew's. He has spent countless numbers of hours on the phone in the last month or so, getting bumped from person to person, department to department at Bell Canada; all for the privilege of getting a phone line.

I know lots of people can relate to the misery that is interacting with utility companies, but you have to admit, this is a new low for Ma Bell.

It started with the need to dig a trench. Hydro, cable and the gas companies all agreed that if we were willing to dig our own trench that they would approve and provide us with these much needed services. Even Bell agreed that we could go ahead with this plan (after a paltry 2 or so phone calls to 6 or so different departments). The plan involved Bell sending us the requisite wire, so that we could put it in the trench (that we were digging at our expense, I should add).

One week passed, no wire....

Two weeks passed, no wire....

At this point, the trench digging had been postponed as much as could be tolerated and we ended up having to buy our own telephone wire (and please note that Joe Public does not have access to the same quality wire that Bell has access to, and so we are taking a bit of a chance).

At this point Andrew called Bell to see what had happened. Their explanation was that because we don't have a phone number, their "system" had rejected the order and so nothing had happened, no wire had been sent. The woman at Bell actually had the gall to ask Andrew if we couldn't just go and ask the neighbour for their phone number to use. It might seem obvious to you that without a wire in the ground we don't have a phone number because there is NO PHONE, but this logic apparently escapes Bell Canada.

VOIP, anyone?